Challenge Records Int. Logo
"Music is ... A higher revelation than all Wisdom & Philosophy" - Ludwig van Beethoven

Upcoming releases

Silently Held
Chantal Acda & The Atlantic Drifters

Silently Held (vinyl)
Chantal Acda & The Atlantic Drifters

Simeon ten Holt
Canto Ostinato
Piano Duo Scholtes & Janssens

Ludwig van Beethoven
Early String Quartets
Narratio Quartet

Michele Mascitti
Sonate a Tre - Opera Prima
Matteo Cicchitti | Musica Elegentia

Rosalie's Dream
Joe Haider Trio & The Amigern String Quartet

Trio Sonatas ZWV 181 | Ghosts
Theo Plath | Armand Djikoloum | Olivier Stankiewicz

Kaiju Project (vinyl)
Aseo Friesacher | Waka Otsu | Joost Lijbaart

Philippe Thuriot

Kaiju Project
Aseo Friesacher | Waka Otsu | Joost Lijbaart

Kaiju Project
Aseo Friesacher | Waka Otsu | Joost Lijbaart


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